
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Sunday 20 September 2015

The Worlds End: The cornetto trilogy retrospective finale and summary

Warning! contains mature language, spoilers and Gifs. Read at own risk.
With a title like this, how could it be anything but a masterpiece? While the gap between Shaun of the dead and Hot fuzz was only three years, the last one in the series took six years to complete, partially because all the creative input was working on something else most of the time. But somehow, against all odds, this movie got made, and it was fucking mental!!! Once again, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost play the leads and Edgar Wright directed. The basic plot starts like any other movie about old frieends getting together.
Gary King assembles his old gang to attempt completing the golden mile in their old home-town. It starts off okay, the lads have some fun, drink beer and run into some old acquaintances. but in pub number four it all goes fuck-up. DO NOT READ PAST THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE FILM
Gary, while in the bathroom gets into a fight with a young jock and ends up taking his head off, revealing that the townsfolk have been replaced by robots who aren't robots, Blanks, if you will.
and they are filled with blue stuff and have bright lights for eyes and mouths.
With this information the gang decides not to attract too much attention to themselves and try to complete the golden mile. at firs thigs go good until they run into their old school-teacher, Guy Shepard, who explains who built the robots, why they are here and why its a good thing that they are here, They dont fancy being turned into robots filled with blue stuff and decide to take drastic action.
After  realizing that the battle cant be won, they decide to make a run for it but Gary insists they finish what they started. But now he is being chased by not only the entire fucking town of robots, but also his friends, this leads to the absolutely epic finale in wich we see the absolutely terrifying ways shit can get fucked in Garys path to completion, the chase accross town culminates in the Worlds End, the twelveth and final pub. In it we see a masterfully created battle to the death between bros. and we find out why completing the golden mile is so important to Gary. But then one of my favourite scenes from anything ever happens. I wont tell you about it, because if youve seen the film you know what im talking about. In it, we see Gary come to terms with himself. BUT! the world sort of ends and Gary is left without his conclusive final pint.

The ending is bittersweet and leaves a sort of melancholy feeling in you, but we then see that Gary is still, the once and future King! 

But since this is the final post in the series, I will list some of the the connections, running gags and cameos in all three movies.

And thats the only gag  in all three movies, however, there is an arcade-machine that makes an appearance in all three, and several actors appear in all of them, Martin Freeman plays Declan in Shaun of the Dead, a a police-officer in Hot Fuzz and Oliver in this one. Bill Nighy also appears in all three and both Peter Jackson and Cate Blanchett cameo in Hot Fuzz. But why are you looking them up on the internet? go watch them you doofus, then come here and yell at me for missing something obvious.¨

Farewell, until my next post, and then my next retrospective that may or may not be about another English Comedy group and their films.

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