
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Paul and why it is the best fan fiction ever

Thought you'd get a conclusion to the cornetto trilogy? So did everyone else in 2011!
Even though it stars both Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, just like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, this is not the third installation in the Cornetto Trilogy. Rather, it is a Sci-Fi fanfic. A Fan Fiction of the generic green space-alien:

The film was first thought up on the set of Shaun of the dead, via a doodle that Simon an Nick made. From there the next 6 years they worked the idea into a film, and then made,  and finally released in 2011,  Rather than Edgar Wright Directing it, like normal, Greg Mottola took the role of director, for better or for worse. While being a fun little fish-out.of.water type movie, its also the biggest tribute to Sci-fi, with every other line being a famous quote or reference. 

In fact: a lot of the shots are copie- *ahem* tributed from other movies:

But does borrowing and merely acknowledge the existence of other movies count as tribute?

No, but Paul does much more with the material its given, it plays with the idea of an alien influencing pop-culture, explains why fictional aliens all look the same, retells classic scenes in a modern-earth scenario. Alot of Pauls humor is based on knowing what its paying homage to, like the music at the bar, or the way a phone is shot. And as the loneliest person in my town, I of course noticed every single one of them. But why is Paul the best fanfiction ever? there are two reasons: its published work of two sci-fi fans, and the only other published fanfiction ever is Fifty shades of grey. 

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