
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Thursday 26 November 2015

Interstellar and why movies need sad scenes in them

Warning! spoilers for Interstellar in the video below.

inertstellar ending reaction video

What you just saw was a recreation of me watching Interstellar. Only with me replaced with an actor, one can barely tell the difference. But back to topic here. Sad scenes are plentyful in movies, but only if they're done well, will they actually make the audience cry. Such is the case in many Disney/Pixar films. Here's a few examples of this phenomenon:

And what do all those scenes have in common? They make me, an "adult" person, cry like a little baby. And besides that, there are very few aspects that would be similar. Its the context of the scene that makes it sad, with the right set up, anything could be made so sad that Kirsten Steward would show a hint of emotion.

There are of course many things that go to making a scene so sad that you think your childhood is over.  For example, the death of bambi's mom. I never saw the whole movie, but on a school field trip, my teacher put it on, we only saw the very beginning and the other kids would tell me that she dies. Just the idea of it made me so sad, that I would lock myself in my room for a day. Now that is effective character-building at its finest. Another way to improve a sad scene is music. (while writing this, I'm listening to the soundtrack of Interstellar and I feel like I'll never be happy again)  For instance, Mufasas death: the music penetrates your heart like a sword and chruses your soul like a million wildebeests. For a lot of you, it might be the music that sets of the memory, not the image.

Now thats all great and all but why do movies have to totally annhiliate us with their perfectly composed scenes and absolutely murderising scores? To teach us. If we didn't learn how to act in a certain situation, we wouldnt be that great as people. It's the same reason we play house, or police and robber. Only we learn different things, with house, its how to cook, clean etc. with police and robber its right and wrong, with movies, its emotions. Practicing human interaction in the controlled enviroment of a movie theatre or living-room couch. If we didnt know how to react to negative emotion, we'd become, in essance, psychopaths, not knowing how to associate emotions with situations, and not knowing how to read those emotions off of others. So maybe we should expose ourselves to these feelings. Just to grow as people. And it wont traumatize you, I give you my 75% propability word. So go watch that movie that made you cry as a kid again. You might learn something about yourself, and while it might not make you cry anymore, maybe you'll realize that you've grown out of it. So wheter its the Fox and the Hound, Up, or Monters Inc. you should watch it. Its healty.

Go check out my friends youtube channel he helped with the editing

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