
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Civil war and why Captain America is better than Iron Man

We just got a trailer for Captain America: Civil War, and we found out a lot of new things about the movie, wich is the purpouse of a trailer. But rather than do the obvious, wich is talking about the trailer, I will explain why as a person/character, Steve Rogers or, Captain America, is better than Tony "dickhead" Stark. First, lets look at their villains. More specifically, the opening monologue of Iron Man 3. why? because in it Tony says; "everyone creates the thing they dread". Wich we will take as fact in the Marvel universe. That means, that a) Tony is afraid of his enemies and b) he created them. Wich he did! Every villain exept for Whiplash, that his father created. So to conclude: Tony destroys his villains because they were his fault. But what about Steve? His villains include: Hydra and Shield, both goverment orginazations, and evil. So it makes sence why he wouldn't want to register. He didn't create those villains, he fights them, because its the right thing, unlike Tony who does it in order to not look bad. 

So Cap is better duh, hes a nice guy doing what's right, not an asshole cleaning up his own mess. And when he gets some alien tech, he destroys it, not what Tony did, wich was create Skynet and then, do it again. He was lucky that the second one was nice and british, but he didnt know!

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