
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Friday 26 June 2015

The Avengers: Age of Ultron review with spoilers

You may be wondering, You havent seen this yet??? In wich case you would be assuming wrongly. I saw it on opening night, in 3D, with tickets that I reserved 3 weeks in advance. So why am I only now writing a review? Other than the fact that I'm just bored, I also didnt feel the need to spread the word on a movie like this, ½ of the worlds population is going to see it anyway. But seeing as how I have some things to say about it, and now that most of my readers have probably seen it, i can have some spoilers in my text.

The plot is kickstarted when the team from the first film finds Loki's staff in the fictional country of Sokovia and starts examening it, or to say the truth, using it to complete an Artificcial Intllegence program called  Ultron who is desinged to protect the earth. While the heroes are celebrating their accomplishments, the program gets aware, it takes over one of the iron man suits and attacks the unknowing protagonists. Defeating him, they realize he can inhabit new bodies via the internet. This then leads Ultron reqruiting the twins: Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver and coming up with a plan to destroy the world by dropping a piece of Sokovia as a meteor.

In the process of casually smashing the planet to mere wasteland, Ultron creates his final body by merging vibranium with human tissue (dont try to explain that, I'm still taking painkillers for the headache) before the final body is finished, it is stolen by the avengers and at the same time the twins change sides and black widow is captured by ultron.  But at the end everything gets back to normal.

In my opinion the film has some issues, starting with: Too many heroes, in the movie the avengers include, Ironman, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black widow, Thor, Hulk, Scarlet Witch, quicksilver, Warmachine, Falcon, Nick fury, Mariah Hill and Vision. As you can see, there are far too many, and by the time Infinity wars rolls out, well have atleast 5 more.

My other main issue is Ultron, now, I know I'm alone on this but I didnt like the way Ultron was ultimately played out in the film. while in the trailers, he is made out to be a huge, menacing, no-bullshit kind of guy with no remorse for anything. But what we got was a metal asshole who spouts unfunny jokes and has a dislike for humans. And in the comicbook story; the age of Ultron, the avengers have to use timetravel to take him down. not a little gag with hulk. Sure, the final confortaion between vision and Ultron was rather emotionfull, but other than that, neither character was fleshed out enough.

Wich leads to my third problem, Vision, he was created in the last 30 minutes of a 2½ hour movie, charachter introduction that late into the film is inexcusable. His powers arent explained, nor is his personality.

And lastly, Quicksilvers death? that was a joke, his powers were shown to be incredible, taking a bullet out of midair, ptting it into the shell, emptying the rest of the clip, and then arrangeing them onto the table, all in the blink of an eye, but moving two people from the path of some bullets without getting shot 200 times? this is dumb.

But I did enjoy the film very much, both as a critic and a movie fan in general, but I was disappointed by the fact that they interuppted cap saying "Avengers,

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