
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Terminator: Genisys

I know, its late! But, in my defence, I really didnt feel like writing this review, so heres the short version,

As you can see, the films biggest reveal is spoiled even by the poster, but if youre 120, and can't see it, I wont point it out. Already at the marketing the filmmakers have failed, but, so did T2 and it became one of my top 20 films, Genisys won'tbe joinig that list any time soon, not only is it rather forgettable, it also rides too much on the previous films shoulders, and it is far too noticeable, and it's sometimes so obscure that only the no-life film geek (me) notices it.

The movie also has a huge lack of focus, there were two villains, but only one of them is even physical and it seems silly to name the film after it. and its also a huge waste of Matt Smith. But the biggest offence against the viewer is the promise of another T1000 who is defeated halfway trough the first act, at the same as the original T800 from T1, who by the way also is in the film, but if you saw the trailer, you already knew that.

The main problem with the films plot is the amount of holes it manages to create to T1 and T2 and itself. And the way the timeline now works out is still to be figured out even by the filmmakers.

So, dont go see this film unless you are willing to start doubting the greatness of Terminators 1&2.
Or if you are contractually obligated to write about it on a blog that some people read occaisonally.
(BTW thanks for that =) )

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