
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Terminator: Genisys

I know, its late! But, in my defence, I really didnt feel like writing this review, so heres the short version,

As you can see, the films biggest reveal is spoiled even by the poster, but if youre 120, and can't see it, I wont point it out. Already at the marketing the filmmakers have failed, but, so did T2 and it became one of my top 20 films, Genisys won'tbe joinig that list any time soon, not only is it rather forgettable, it also rides too much on the previous films shoulders, and it is far too noticeable, and it's sometimes so obscure that only the no-life film geek (me) notices it.

The movie also has a huge lack of focus, there were two villains, but only one of them is even physical and it seems silly to name the film after it. and its also a huge waste of Matt Smith. But the biggest offence against the viewer is the promise of another T1000 who is defeated halfway trough the first act, at the same as the original T800 from T1, who by the way also is in the film, but if you saw the trailer, you already knew that.

The main problem with the films plot is the amount of holes it manages to create to T1 and T2 and itself. And the way the timeline now works out is still to be figured out even by the filmmakers.

So, dont go see this film unless you are willing to start doubting the greatness of Terminators 1&2.
Or if you are contractually obligated to write about it on a blog that some people read occaisonally.
(BTW thanks for that =) )

Friday 26 June 2015

the sqedules for the next few posts

the next 2 or 3 posts will be in the following manner, review of Terminator genisys on Sunday or at the very least monday evening. Review of Spy on Wednesday or thursday morning and possibly some analysis of a certain part of filmmaking, or if an Iconic filmmaker decides to die during my vacation ill write a memorial. Pleas keep in mind that these writings will mostly be even more Half-assed than my regular posts. if you have any requests or ideas for topics, let me know, I' might even read them. Happy Summer from me and the dog who keeps interrupting my worksessions.

The Avengers: Age of Ultron review with spoilers

You may be wondering, You havent seen this yet??? In wich case you would be assuming wrongly. I saw it on opening night, in 3D, with tickets that I reserved 3 weeks in advance. So why am I only now writing a review? Other than the fact that I'm just bored, I also didnt feel the need to spread the word on a movie like this, ½ of the worlds population is going to see it anyway. But seeing as how I have some things to say about it, and now that most of my readers have probably seen it, i can have some spoilers in my text.

The plot is kickstarted when the team from the first film finds Loki's staff in the fictional country of Sokovia and starts examening it, or to say the truth, using it to complete an Artificcial Intllegence program called  Ultron who is desinged to protect the earth. While the heroes are celebrating their accomplishments, the program gets aware, it takes over one of the iron man suits and attacks the unknowing protagonists. Defeating him, they realize he can inhabit new bodies via the internet. This then leads Ultron reqruiting the twins: Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver and coming up with a plan to destroy the world by dropping a piece of Sokovia as a meteor.

In the process of casually smashing the planet to mere wasteland, Ultron creates his final body by merging vibranium with human tissue (dont try to explain that, I'm still taking painkillers for the headache) before the final body is finished, it is stolen by the avengers and at the same time the twins change sides and black widow is captured by ultron.  But at the end everything gets back to normal.

In my opinion the film has some issues, starting with: Too many heroes, in the movie the avengers include, Ironman, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black widow, Thor, Hulk, Scarlet Witch, quicksilver, Warmachine, Falcon, Nick fury, Mariah Hill and Vision. As you can see, there are far too many, and by the time Infinity wars rolls out, well have atleast 5 more.

My other main issue is Ultron, now, I know I'm alone on this but I didnt like the way Ultron was ultimately played out in the film. while in the trailers, he is made out to be a huge, menacing, no-bullshit kind of guy with no remorse for anything. But what we got was a metal asshole who spouts unfunny jokes and has a dislike for humans. And in the comicbook story; the age of Ultron, the avengers have to use timetravel to take him down. not a little gag with hulk. Sure, the final confortaion between vision and Ultron was rather emotionfull, but other than that, neither character was fleshed out enough.

Wich leads to my third problem, Vision, he was created in the last 30 minutes of a 2½ hour movie, charachter introduction that late into the film is inexcusable. His powers arent explained, nor is his personality.

And lastly, Quicksilvers death? that was a joke, his powers were shown to be incredible, taking a bullet out of midair, ptting it into the shell, emptying the rest of the clip, and then arrangeing them onto the table, all in the blink of an eye, but moving two people from the path of some bullets without getting shot 200 times? this is dumb.

But I did enjoy the film very much, both as a critic and a movie fan in general, but I was disappointed by the fact that they interuppted cap saying "Avengers,

Friday 12 June 2015

Jurassic World

The sequel to the 1993 film Jurassic Park tells the story of the park being opened and succesfull. But as always, theme parks get less popular over time (unless your'e disneyland, then you're fine) and thus, new attractions are unveiled over time, but at the end the science team is pressured into making a new dinosaur by mixing several "classified" species. And of course, the big pile of shit hits the fan hard. The plot follows two brothers who are there thanks to their aunt working as a PR?-person at the park, but leaves them to a british nanny, that despite the norm, isnt very good at nanny-ing

The films pacing, structure and storytelling elements are very similar to the Spielberg-directed original. Most human elements are left intetnionally ambiguous and aren't really explained, but this can be rather irritating, ecpescially when some relationships are told, not shown, But, then again, the original was similar in this way. In other ways they're similar to eachother, include, mix of CGI and animatronics, and the, Deus Ex Machina nature of the final battle. But the films main draw is the nostalgia, and childlike wonder of seeing these things come alive.

If you're planning on seeing this film, compile a list of your five most iconic Jurassic park moments. i guarantee at least four of them are in the film. and youll probably end up forgetting that you have to stay focused on the technical aspects of the film for your rewiev and just get lost in the awe and wonder of the feeling of shivers down your spine when you see fence 9 open.

Thursday 11 June 2015

A Tribute to sir Christopher Lee

The 93-year old WWII veteran and one of the greatest actors ever, died in a London hospital of breathing- and heartcomplications. In his career Lee featured in 281 films and published a heavy-metal album. The knihgted actor is perhaps best known for his roles as saruman in the Lord of the Rings and Scaramanga in The Man with the golden gun. The accomplisments of this great man cannot be put to words, to see his glory go watch any film he was in.

R.I.P. Sir