
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Thursday 3 March 2016

The Revenant

The Revenant, if you noticed, won a few prizes. Including an Oscar to Leonardo DiCaprio. Wich you knew because theres no way you missed the singularity forming where the internet used to be. And the film won all of the awards for good reason too! It was so amazing that if I wasnt a student without a job, I'd see it again. But the one time was enough for me to tell you how amazing it actually was.


Moving on; The directing and cinematography were so great that they both won oscars. The filming was so great that the every single shot, some lasting several minutes, is like real life, wich it was. The director opted to shoot only in natural light, on location and with real snow! Thats amazing because snow is a nightmare to work with.

The film follows Hugh Glass as he goes through the average Finnish commute. First being attacked by Native Americans and forced to leg with 5 other guys, Then being attacked by a bear, and left for dead by Tom Hardy. But the wrath of Hugh is furious as this Glass is the type used for windshields. Glass crawls for safety and gets in some deep shit along the way. And thats the majority of the film.

The Story was exectuted in an amazing way. And I rarely say that about anything. With combined with the award-winning acting by both Leonardo and Tom, the final product looks like a documentary following a broken man on his quest for vengeance!

While the film is Amazing, was real life more badass once again. Not only did mr. Glass not actually stand upright during his journey, he also didnt receive help chasing away wolves. And also the bear tore off the skin from his back, exposing his ribcage.

The film does have to bend the rules a bit, so its excused. However there is one glaring error I must address: Bears hibrenate in the winter, cubs are born during this time, and accompany the mother for a bit over a year. Thats an inexcusable error by the writers. But I guess they needed a reason for the bear to attack.

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