
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Sunday 30 August 2015

The Dark Knight Rises and how Bruce got back to Gotham in one day

Warning, Spoilers for the Dark Knight Rises ahead!
One of the biggest complaints about the conclusion of the epic Nolan Batman-trilogy was, that Bruce Wayne got back to Gotham, from the pit, in just one day. But heres the twist, he didn't. 
First, look at this line of dialouge, just before bruce tries to escape for the second time, failing, presumably on the same day.
Then, he tries again, without the rope, succeeding, this could have happened anywhere between later that day, and 22 days later. Then we get the scene of Gordon ranting about there only being 18 hours, later that day Batman shows up.

Conclusion: Batman came back to Gotham in a timespan of anywhere between 22 and 1 days.

I can't believe I'm the only one who has noticed this, its so obvious, yet there are hundereds of people complaining about this being a plothole. Also, he's, the goddamn Batman!

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