
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Angry birds

I know its not a movie, but! there is an Angry birds movie set for next summer. And since Angry birds 2 is coming out tomorrow, I felt to need to step forth and intervene with this madness.
Why is there an Angry birds 2? What where all those other games? Why is there a movie? Why do I have bloody Angry birds themed ice-cream cones in my freezer???? Could someone please go to Rovio and tell them to calm down with their "original idea". the consept of throwing things towards other things allready existed in video games, and there are allready a dozen "angry birds"-labelled games out there, why is there only now a number in the title, Why is this so important to me? 

Because videogames and movies are both art, and as art, it should be treated as such, but thanks to things like Angry birds, both ways of communicating messages are lost to a consumeristick ideology that re-uses and wears out every original idea there is, and in doing so, creates a generation of idiots who play frozen songs in their Minions-themed wedding. So please, if you're Rovio, stop, if you're not, make sure you spread ypuor own ideas but dont let them become this kind of repetetive, omnipresent BS that invades every aspect of every-day living.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

I now have a twitter account

Or, more specifically I repurpoused my old account from 2 years ago to act as my "what is film" Quick-info for people who are keen on knowing what movies I'm going to review in the future. Find me at @Apenator

Also I'm taking this opportunity to show off my fanart =) 

Next review coming on friday! (hopefully)

Thursday 23 July 2015


Marvel did it again!! Ant-man is the newest chapter in the MCU and introduces a new superhero known as Ant-man. The story starts out simple, an ex-criminal is given a chance to redeem himself by performing a daring heist. But it gets more complicated than that. (But this is a non-spoiler review) The story is co-written by Edgar Wright and it shows, the clever and funny humor feels like it was lifted out of Shaun of the dead or Hot Fuzz. Wright was also set to direct and there is still some test-footage on the internet of his version and the influence shows heavily.

While 3D is often regarded as no more than a gimmick to get every bit of box-office money possible, it really adds to this flick, you really get a sense of scale when an ant sized person runs on top of guns and flings people around. A lot of the effects are practical wich really helps make the universe seem plausible, in comparison to some other MCU films like Thor and Guardians of the galaxy. But the movie throws in tons of references to the larger universe with some characters playing an important part.

If youre a fan of Edgar Wright, the MCU, superhero movies or action-comedies in general, you should heavily consider seeing this film.

Monday 20 July 2015

Pixels, and why videogame-movies are bad

Firstly, Pixels might be a new low, and for two reasons: its a videogameadaptation of 30 year-old games, and it stars Adam "I dont know how to make a movie" Sandler. And I doubt its going the clever route with its action-scenes either, wich mind you, isnt that hard if you google the original AI patterns of the ghosts in Pac-Man.

But, why then is it that movies based on video-games suck? Well those directed by Uwe Boll can be explained by the film-tax in Germany. But there are others, Whats wrong with them? First theres the fact that games are an interactive medium and the core of the game cannot be transfered onto the big screen. On the other hand, the wrong games are chosen to be adapted, Doom, Need for speed and Postal dont have immersive stories, they exist for the gameplay, not to be made into movies, but I'm too late with this. So now we can conclude that the wrong games are made into movies, are things improving?

A Mass Effect movie is in develoupment, as is a Last of us. But so is a Sonic the hedgehog one.
(sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_based_on_video_games)
So, thingd are improving, if not perfect yet, and the list shows both a Portal and Half Life movie, wich would be great if we had the third installment on either series.

A Zelda netflix series has been rumored about and the quality of the pokemon anime-series brings hope to that project. Heres to hoping that from now on, we get better Videogame movies!

Friday 17 July 2015

Ted 2

Warning! contains mature language, do not read if you are under 18, easily offended, Seth MacFarlane or like his movies.

WHAT THE FUCK??? Who authorized this? Who paid for this? Who at Universal thought that MacFarlane could write a movie. He's not a filmwriter, he got lucky with Family guy, but that is the only thing he knows how to create, exept that he has only written three episodes of it himself, thats it. he has no talent for diversity, while watching this movie, it felt just like a family guy episode, the formula was exactly the same; Setup > Dumb dancenumber > Plotsetup > Unrelated gag > Plot......... and et cetera. 

The trope of using a digital animal along with real actors wore out with Garfield in 2004, will someone please tell filmmakes to stop doing  this. I'm not even going to explain why you shouldn't see this piece of shit. Just dont, prevent a third one. and if you were one of the people who went to see a million ways to die in the west, I hope your proud now, you helped pay for this Seth MacFarlane endorsments.

Exept the bit with Liam Neeson but that was demeaning to him. He used to be a real serious actor, with great performances. What happened to you man?

Thursday 9 July 2015


I realized earlier today that i had never seen an animated movie in cinemas before, and because my younger siblings wanted to go to see a film, and since Inside out isn't plying at my local theater yet, this was my only option. I walked in with the lowest of expectaitions, and was pleasently surprized.
The animation was stunning, the writing was clever and all the sixties and english jokes were absolutely hilarious, but mostly too advaced for the little kids that this film is clearly aimed towards, with the simple character desing, vivid body-language and relatable protagonists, the film is sure to appeal to them aswell. My favourite parts of the film were the various refernces to (sixties) pop-culture, such as abbey road, the moon-landing and english teeth. If you were a fan of the original movies, you will truly apprecciate the ending. And the villain was, in my opinion, truly and utterly, Despicable.

Wednesday 1 July 2015


And as promised, the review for Spy, the most surprising film of this year so far. Not only was I surprised by the title being vaguer than my resume, but it was also a very good movie, and better directed than most action thrillers these days, even if it is a parody of them.

The story follows Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) trying to stop a transaction of a nuculear bomb, A.K.A. the most generic spy-movie plot, however, the clever writing, the unforseeable twists, and Jason Statham, make this an extremely entertaining film to watch. The movies opening is extremely familiar and brings a rush of nostaligia shivering down your spine, as agent Fine (Jude Law) inflartates a mansion, kills the crimelord and escapes via boat. All this sounds so familiar that youd think its "just another one", but, its Susan that makes it intresting, she humanises the allknowingness of the heroes in action movies by showing that the spies are guided by a person behind a laptop with all the knowlege.

The film's direction is, as mentioned, better than alot of other films today. The action scenes are the best I've seen since Skyfall in 2012, and seeing how we have to wait for another 5 months before Spectre comes out, Spy is our best shot at getting a truly hilarious and great summer spy-flick. Melissa McCarthy also shines in the movie and really makes me believe that she can kick ass. And while Jude Law's american accent is a little wooden at times, he more than makes up to it by selling his suaveness at the market with little chockolates on the side. But dont get me started on how great Jason Statham was as the machoing jerk, Ford. He absolutely nailed the bloated story telling and general englishness of his charachter.

Unfortunately, today was the last showing of it at my local theather, and I cant go see it again, but lets hope I get to see it many more times. And you see it too if you can, or want to, or dont, I'm a guy on the internet, not a movie-cop.