
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Sunday 17 May 2015

Mad Max: fury road

It is not often that I see a single picture to a movie that makes me legitametely thrilled for an actionmovie.

This, was one of them. seeing the interceptor once again made me really exited for the film. I was not dissapointed. If you liked the originals, you are doing yourself bad by not going to see it. If you like good actionmovies but havent seen the originals, you are doing yourself bad by not watching them and the going to see this. Go see the film and come finish this text afterwards because I will be spoiling everything from the next paragraph onwards.

The movie follows max who is taken captive by a tribe of people who look upon their leader, Immortan Joe, as an allmighty god who gives his people the water that he pumps from the ground and witholds from anyone else, in the barren wasteland there are multiple such colonies each with their own produce, gas, bullets etc. that trade with others in order to survive. The trading is done via war-rigs wich are large armoured trucks with their own designated driver. When the driver of  Immortan Joe's truck, Furiosa,  tries to free Joes "wife's"  max is taken with the army sent to stop Furiosa from taking the women away. Max of course escapes, and ends up teaming up with the gang of women, whom we find out are travelling to the Greenplace where Furiosa is from, it however no longer exists and thus they must return and take over the settlement. I wont tell anything else though just in case you read this before seeing the film. 

There are still a few things to say that I find rather intresting; Hugh Keays-Byrne (immortan) was also the antagonist of the very first Mad Max, this isn't the first time an actor has played two different characters in the franchise, Bruce spence played the Gyro captain in road warrior and a very similar person in Beyond Thunderdome. Another cool thing to know is, there are only a few CGI:ed things in the film, Furiosas Prostethic arm, and the sandstorm sequence. Nearly every car, motorcycle and explosion was really done on-site. 

What movie should I talk about next?

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