
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Sunday 17 May 2015

Too much CGI?

In recent years there has been an uprising of Computer Generated Images (CGI) in films. This is especially apparent in places where before, there would have been real stunts, sets, enviroments or prostheticks. Instead there are now greenscreens, large green blocks, greensuits, green bodypaint or green dots. Tired of the word green? I sure am, nearly everyting in the Hobbit was greenscreened. The freaking Hobbit, the follow-up to the greatest user of mixed real sets with a little CGI in it. It is extremely frustrating to see great film-makers resort to special effects in places where there really isnt a need to, especially when those same people have previously made much greater work without or with very little computers, (I'm looking at you, Lucas!!)

Things have become better in the laest few years in the real effects department, and CGI is only used when absolutely nessecary, We have gone back to the nineties in our usage of effects, for instance, most of the T1000's exposed metal was actually prosteticks and make-up. But we still have a long way to go in using CGI at its best, hopefully we can someday have a whole year with only the minimum amount of computers used for effects.

The Dark Knight and how it changed film making

Being the BIGGEST fan of batman ever, I thougth it would be a great idea to spread the word on this extremely well made, nearly perfect movie that won two oscars, and is the second comic-book movie to get more than one and the sixth to win any.

While most comic book movies in the early to middle twothousands had a nag for turning broody, melodramatic and depressed, wich was often mistaken for realism and the trend has luckily worn of with Cristopher Nolan leading the way to a much more realised and life-like style of making superhero flicks that are actually intresting to watch and emmerging. The amount of superhero movies being made has exploded with atleast thirty scheduled until 2019 from both DC and marvel.

How does this relate to The dark knight? you might be asking. It was the first to truly create a living breathing world and realise that films cannot be made to look like comic books, and the first to make a real-life-y suit and figthing. The influence from the dark knight can clearly be seen in nearly every superhero movie after 2008, for instance, Man of steel tried to use Nolans batman formula and miserably failed at it not realising that it cannot be copied. 

The villains in movies have also changed after Heath Ledgers potrayal of the Joker, most movie bad guys have become more realistic and psychological, just look at Loki in Thor and the Avengers to see the influence. But its not just the villains that have changed, everything from suits to editing and sounds have been changed after The Dark Knight. These may seem like tiny little details but they can really make or break an expiriebce. 

I'm going to leave you with a little fun fact: Right before the Joker-Two-face scene the police officer shot by the joker is shouting for a person named "Davis" who in the 1989 movie batman is the Doctor who attempts to fix jokers face leaving him looking like he did.

Mad Max: fury road

It is not often that I see a single picture to a movie that makes me legitametely thrilled for an actionmovie.

This, was one of them. seeing the interceptor once again made me really exited for the film. I was not dissapointed. If you liked the originals, you are doing yourself bad by not going to see it. If you like good actionmovies but havent seen the originals, you are doing yourself bad by not watching them and the going to see this. Go see the film and come finish this text afterwards because I will be spoiling everything from the next paragraph onwards.

The movie follows max who is taken captive by a tribe of people who look upon their leader, Immortan Joe, as an allmighty god who gives his people the water that he pumps from the ground and witholds from anyone else, in the barren wasteland there are multiple such colonies each with their own produce, gas, bullets etc. that trade with others in order to survive. The trading is done via war-rigs wich are large armoured trucks with their own designated driver. When the driver of  Immortan Joe's truck, Furiosa,  tries to free Joes "wife's"  max is taken with the army sent to stop Furiosa from taking the women away. Max of course escapes, and ends up teaming up with the gang of women, whom we find out are travelling to the Greenplace where Furiosa is from, it however no longer exists and thus they must return and take over the settlement. I wont tell anything else though just in case you read this before seeing the film. 

There are still a few things to say that I find rather intresting; Hugh Keays-Byrne (immortan) was also the antagonist of the very first Mad Max, this isn't the first time an actor has played two different characters in the franchise, Bruce spence played the Gyro captain in road warrior and a very similar person in Beyond Thunderdome. Another cool thing to know is, there are only a few CGI:ed things in the film, Furiosas Prostethic arm, and the sandstorm sequence. Nearly every car, motorcycle and explosion was really done on-site. 

What movie should I talk about next?