
Tomorrow: Captain America: Civil War

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Thoughts on the 2017 Academy Awards

Sooooooo..... Its been a while, but give me a break, I'm a student.

As you are a hopefully person on earth, you know about the Steve Harvey style mixup that happened at the Oscars already, so I wont go into that now, it was an honest mistake that shouldn't've happened.

Instead, I shall ponder the awardation of awards to bad movies with one redeeming aspect. Should it be done?

I wont call any names, Suicide Squad knows who it is. But should it be outlawed to give bad movies awards in any category, since it rarely makes them no more enjoyable, and just shows studios that they can get praise if they get just one thing right. But I argue that its important to see aspects of movies as seperate parts, and the overall quality of the movie as the way those aspects fit together.

Suicide Squad won best make-up because the people who did it, put a lot of talent and effort into it, and they should receive some recognition for it, otherwise they will be showered with the same hate as the rest of the people making the film.
Image result for suicide squad killer croc makeup